A very special thank-you to Jim (aka Jimbo), from East Amherst, NY, for his permission to publish his e-mails, his photos, and his story!
Just one of the many reasons we love working at Newrockies
Jimbo’s first email arrived late on a chilly January night in 2011:
i have a 1995 caprice wagon cop car, i need to bypass my passkey ( or lack thereof) i have no pellet in the key & the module is behind the headlight switch & was manufactured by mallory […] as if this could happen @ a better time i’m supposed to race it this saturday. HELP!!! […] can i bypass this???? it is putting a big damper on my participation in the race!!! & i planned on winning!!
We were very happy to let Jimbo know right away that the Newrockies PRO Module would indeed fix the problem, and informed him that if he placed his order right away, we would ship him the module the next morning.
Unfortunately Jimbo wasn’t able to check his email until Tuesday night, and at that point he sent us another anxious message:
thanx very much for the quick response i am wondering how long it will take to get here […] it is 6.30pm right now i will check my email before the night ends & if we can have it here by friday (it’s tuesday) i will order tonite & thank you in advance!!! i’ve been pulling my hair out!!!
Jimbo placed that order that night, on the expectation that delivery would take 1-2 days. On Wednesday he emailed us again to make sure that we had shipped the product, and we sent him back the tracking information.
On Thursday morning Jimbo received the package. He was pretty excited, and he let us know:
thanx so much!!!!! i’ll send some pics of the race car. i’m installing it in & will tell all my friends of your fix for the achilles heel!!!!!
A Moment of Panic
Unfortunately, by Thursday night things weren’t looking so rosy for Jimbo:
i installed the PRO on my 1995 caprice classic. it still starts & stalls. i need some help. i removed & flipped the switches & re-installed pro & still nothing, vin#************594. On my TDM there was no A4 pin with yellow black stripe wire & no wire at all. My wires in the connector are as follows. A1- orange. A2- pink. A3- blue (dk). B5- black white stripe. B7 & B8 white, black stripe & looped.
We quickly realized that Jimbo might be stuck with some sort of custom setup, and responded to him that same night:
Jim, it is ok, if you don’t have an A4. Looks like in the police cars they might have shorted the starter enable relay so its wire is not run to the TDM module. Make sure the original module is unplugged and remains unplugged when you install our PRO module. Our module replaces the TDM. If installation at TDM doesn’t work, you might have a problem in the wiring to the ECM. If this is the case, installing at the ECM directly (option 2) will work well. Again, make sure the TDM remains unplugged.
And we exchanged a couple more short emails that night, to help Jimbo nail down some details. He wrote to us:
although i haven’t completed the installation (late & my young son is sleeping so i can’t “fire it up” until the am) this is by far the best interaction with customer service EVER encountered!! thanx again.
By morning , we were a bit anxious because we hadn’t heard back from Jim and the race was the following day, so we just asked how things were going, and we were left biting our nails until Friday night, when Jim answered us:
oh yeah IT WORKED FLAWLESSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i didn’t get back to you earlier been busy doing final prep on the race car. again your company’s policy on tech support is the best i’ve ever dealt with and the response time is the crown. so many times customers are left “holding the ball” but with newrockies i was given all the help i needed and believe me i did need it… if the time & money i have in this car left me with a no start condition on the race track my wife probably woulda killed me!!! thanx again a million times & FEEL FREE TO USE ANY OF MY EMAILS TO HELP PROMOTE YOUR WONDERFUL PRO PRODUCTS!!! & i will send some pics soon. before & after of course!!! hope your company isn’t a secret ‘cause i’m tellin everybody!!!
running again & fast.
Yes, the Newrockies team felt pretty good after this! (We think Jim was pretty happy, too.)
A very special thank-you to Jim, from East Amherst, NY, for his permission to publish his e-mails, his photos, and his story!

Jimbo’s racing! Special Thanks to NEWROCKIES!

Just arrived!

Jimbo’s 007 fully unloaded!

Caption=”Ready to start! NEWROCKIES PRO Module inside!

Caption=”After the race, the tension is down, finally home!